Could You Be Suffering From Post-Partum Depression?


Having a child is one of the most prominent life-altering changes that can happen in your life. Not only do you go through drastic physical changes, but the hormonal changes that you endure can also be a precursor to incredible emotional changes too. Moreover, you also have to alter your lifestyle to accommodate the new life that you have brought into the world. With all these factors considered, it is not surprising that some women may start to suffer from postpartum depression. This condition is often confused with the baby blues, but it should be noted that PPD is much more severe and can persist for much longer. It would, therefore, be prudent or new mothers who suspect they are suffering from this condition seek professional counselling. So how can you tell if you could be suffering from postpartum depression?

Irrational emotions toward your newborn

Although it may take some new mums some time to bond with their newborn, it is not normal for you to feel intense emotions of either rage or anger toward the baby. Constantly experiencing hostility when around your baby would be a red flag about something much more serious such as post-partum depression.

It is also worth mentioning that these feelings of resentment may immediately be followed by intense feelings of guilt and remorse, putting you in a vicious cycle of negative emotions regarding your parenting. Rather than soldiering through, it would be best to see a counsellor before these feelings escalate into neglect for your baby, shunning your parental responsibilities and more.

Lack of sleep

When you have a new baby, you will inevitably have to endure sleepless nights. The reason for this is new-borns are yet to develop a proper sleep cycle once they are out of the womb. Moreover, their stomachs are tiny, so they would need round the clock feeding for them to be satisfied. With that being said, new parents would do anything to get a few hours of shuteye.

If you find that you are unable to sleep when you have the chance to, it could be a warning sign of post-partum depression. Some women may be too anxious to sleep whereas others may develop insomnia despite how utterly exhausted they are, and this could drastically affect their ability to care for their child. It would be advisable to seek professional help so that you can get the rest you need to be a functional parent.


22 November 2017

Calvin's Consulting Blog

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